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 Live Client / Pitch Winner

Virginia Tourism asked us how we could bring more tourism to the Southwest Virginia area
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We are working with Virginia Tourism to implement this campaign and expect it to be live by Spring 2021.

Project Vision

The Appalachian region carries some baggage. The term Appalachia comes with the stereotypes of backwoods, barren and unwelcoming.

We invented a word as unique as the culture we encountered - Appalachiacana.Appalachiacana derives from the Appalachian mountains and the word Americana which represents the history, geography, folklore and cultural heritage of the United States.


Not sure what Appalachicana means? 

Our manifesto expresses what the Appalachian area means to the Appalachian people.

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Open Source Branding

Throughout the project, we saw how people outside of the region defined Southwest Virginia.

So we created open source branding with less emphasis on strict brand rules and more emphasis on the word itself. This allows people within the region to define Appalachiacana for themselves

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Creating Buzz

External Marketing

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Buskers can be placed in major cities within easy traveling distance to Appalachiacana playing Appalachian music. When a person lingers a little too long, dances, or gives the buskers $20 instead of $5, they’ll be rewarded with a trip to Appalachiacana.

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ATVs caked with mud from the trails of St. Paul can be parked in the middle of busy urban areas. When someone agrees to help clean the ATV, they’ll be rewarded with a trip.

Community Invitation

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Residents invite potential tourists to visit Appalachiacana through Appalachiacana postcards. These postcards will be provided in community spots such as coffee shops and stores. Residents can send them to out-of-town friends or to a broader audience.

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